

Clarks – Timeless Footwear from Kingston to Manchester to Shaolin

The timeless appeal of Clarks footwear, including their iconic Wallabees and Desert Boots. From British heritage to global subcultures, these shoes have captivated cool people worldwide. Explore the cultural impact in reggae, Britpop, and hip hop scenes. Embrace the style and history of Clarks, a brand that continues to innovate and resonate with diverse communities, from Kingston to Manchester to Shaolin.

Caiza Andresen

Ugly Beauty: Reclaiming Beauty or Just Another Fad?

Anti-beauty feels for many like rejecting the male gaze and male-informed beauty standards. But what does unconventional makeup such as unkempt, odd and club-kid looks mean in a time when youth and perfection seem to be everyone’s concern if not destiny? While the trend ‘ugly beauty’ may not reclaim beauty from the male gaze, it does create room for re-evaluating what beauty looks and feels like in an over-saturated world of ideals of perfection.

Alejandra Espinosa