Caiza Andresen

Contributions by Caiza Andresen


The Preppy Fashion Aesthetic: A Glimpse into Elite Universities and Timeless Style

The timeless and sophisticated fashion style associated with elite universities like Yale, Princeton, and Harvard. From navy blazers to penny loafers, explore the signature items that define the preppy look. Learn about the origins of preppy brands like Ralph Lauren, Nautica, and Tommy Hilfiger, and how they have transcended subcultures. Delve into the influence of "The Official Preppy Handbook" and the humorous insights it provides into the world of conservative upper-class individuals.

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The Hysteria of the “Satanic Panic” Era: Toys, Music, and Dungeons & Dragons

The evolution of nerd culture, from insults to mainstream acceptance. Explore the influence of shows like The Big Bang Theory and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Dive into the world of Dungeons & Dragons and its impact on pop culture. Uncover the truth behind the Satanic Panic and its effects on role-playing games. Learn how Dungeons & Dragons overcame controversy and remains a beloved game for generations of enthusiasts.