After introducing Naim last week, we’re back with the second edition of our “Exposed” series with Loco Candy, also known as Julian. Title’s Exposed aims to bring artists closer to the reader in a new way that differs from the usual social media perspective you’s normally only get. We take you behind the scenes and get acquainted with the artist in a more intimate and private setting. What goes on in their heads behind closed doors when nobody’s watching and what their usual day to day life looks like are some things that we’ll touch upon in our exclusive interviews. We’ve had the pleasure to get to know the singer, rapper, and songwriter Loco Candy a little bit better and see what he’s been cooking up in his home studio in the last few months of quarantine.

1. When did you first realize you want to make music?
Wayyy back prolly around 14. the dream in my head. But I had to water my plants first…
2. How do you think your journey has shaped you so far?
Current stop is berlin.
I’m glad I am the person I am today, that journey made me who I am.
It’s been many days on the road, but the destination getting closer and closer. Moving into that direction, slowly but steady. Until the wheels fall off.

3. When have you felt the biggest sense of achievement?
September last year I performed in Basel, Switzerland with my brother Naim in front of more than 4000 people. Shit was crazy, that was a new high I never experienced before.
4. What inspires you the most in life and when making music?
Women, wild nights, past days/memories, and love.
5. What are your musical or creative goals for the next few years? Are you planning on releasing an album anytime soon?
I’m now starting to learn how to play guitar. Might fuck around and start a band too.
I’d love to play a Europe tour.
Definitely will drop a project next year. Good products take some time tho.
Y’all need to wait a bit but I’m coming for y’all
6. You take inspiration from various genres and incorporate them into your style. Are there any artists you look up to?
I’m very inspired by the 70/80’s. Jim Morrison and Pink Floyd are big role models for me. Falco is a big inspo too. I got an old soul. I don’t really listen to hip hop/trap music anymore. I’m bored

7. Was there a musical experience, a concert, or a performance that touched your soul?
Soul Sacrifice by Santana at Woodstock festival 1969 on acid. Do I have to say more?
Wish I had a time machine…
8. If you could speak to yourself in the past, what would you say to him?
Listen to your stummy, it’s all gonna work out don’t worry. just do what feels right to you. you’re on the right path, never let anybody tell u different and never stop questioning, u hear me?
9. What does your creative process look like?
Doing what you want when you want
It’s causing the best outcome
U can’t force creativity

10. We have a format on TITLE that is all about the true identity of artists and brands to dig deeper than the surface. Would you say you have found your true identity? And if so, how would you describe it?
How do u define true identity?
Life is a never-ending process of evolution and development, until your last day. You’re constantly changing, with all the phases and situations you go through from time to time. It’s an epic drama of adventure and exploration.
For myself, I can say I found my purpose. Music touches my soul, it heals. Keeps my mind and body together.
Pictures by Ole featuring Calvin Klein