Experience the captivating short film “Playing with Ambiguity,” which delves into the multifaceted nature of truthfulness within interpersonal connections. Join three remarkable artists, Justinas Milius Miliauskas, Paulius Neverbickas, and Chris Schwarz, as they examine ambiguity through their distinct backgrounds, experiences, and artistic styles. Together, they bring to life the latest musical release, ‘Meine Karten,’ by the talented Luisa Babarro. Through a seamless blend of three interconnected chapters, this film unravels the depths of truthfulness, commitment, empathy, and connection. Each artist worked independently, unaware of the others’ storylines, fostering a unique and focused flow.
‘Playing with ambiguity’ is a short film that analyses the truthfulness in people’s relationships. It zooms in the multiple perceptions of how one stands honest in the momentum of connection and its development.
Three artists of different backgrounds, experiences and styles connect for the unified story. Justinas Milius Miliauskas, Paulius Neverbickas and Chris Schwarz look at the ambiguity from their creative spectrum and illustrate the latest musical release of Luisa Babarro’s ‘Meine Karten’.

Through the narrative, three chapters are merged together to unfold what truthfulness, commitment, empathy and connection is. The artists were invited to work separately without knowing the storylines of each other to keep the individual flow focus.
TITLE is happy to exclusively share this little treasure with you.
If you want to know more about this project, the short film, or the story telling platform STORYLAND, click here.
Director and DoP: Paulius Neverbickas
Camera: Joris Skudra
Talent: Rasa Krulikaitė
Gaffer: Stasys Mačiulskas
Special thanks to Meilė Zaleckienė
Director/DOP: Chris Schwarz
Talent: Luisa Babarro
Director/DOP: Justinas Milius Miliauskas
Talent/dancer: Denisas Kolomyckis
Locations & Art Direction: Aistis Kavaliauskas
MUA: Justė Vaške