Meet Architectural Designer Nikita Marykov

This interview was featured in our most recent issue, TITLE(D) #6: The Global Passport.

Hailing from Kyiv, Nikita Marykov is an architectural designer who’s co-founded a collaborative space for architecture and design based in Berlin. The studio, RHO, works at the intersection of architecture, music, performance, and creative production, and it has the aim of offering minimal interventions to solve complex issues in cultural and subcultural environments.

Personal Information

If you could rename yourself, what would it be? 

That would be the sound of the common chord progression in psychedelic rock.

What would your avatar look like? 

A Material Object of perfect geometry.

What’s your launching date? 

Ancient times according to the Thai lunar calendar.

What’s your emotional age? 

Mostly 80 years old but under special circumstances I’m 5 again, playing with my LEGO.

What’s your spirit animal? 


Where is home? 

Where there is water, there is life and therefore, home.

Travel Information

What’s the place where you feel like you can be you? 

In my head while creating architecture.

What has informed the direction of your path? 

I have understood the beauty.

What was the last border you crossed? 


How and where have you been stamped? 


Personal Journey Information

How and where does your privilege manifest? 

I’m not concerned about money for food. 

How do you connect? 

I hypnotize people with my charisma and intelligence

What food warms your soul, or reminds you of home? 

Borsch and kholodetz.

Can you name a happy accident you’ve had? 

When I went to Kiev to work on a project and leave something beautiful there, I also brought a gorgeous souvenir back, my Ukrainian supermodel trophy wife.  

*Header: ‘CAMPUS BERLIN NORD’ (2023) ©Yannes Kiefer