Egocentric or just “focused”? – Are you surrounded by narcissists?
The concept of “FOMO” seems to be creating a divide between the new generation of young creators and their perception of risk. While authenticity has become crucial for success, there are concerns about whether this emphasis is giving rise to a new epidemic of narcissism.
Authenticity in Business: Kylie Jenner, in an interview with Kim Kardashian for ES Magazine, attributed the success of her beauty brand to its authenticity. She expressed how her own insecurities led her to create something she was passionate about, and people resonated with that genuine passion.
The Rise of Authenticity: Authenticity is not limited to Jenner’s success but has become a prevailing trend in the music and fashion industries. It signifies a new chapter in the more inclusive “American Dream,” empowering fans and followers to pursue their dreams. Even artists in genres like Hip Hop and Trap have embraced this shift, transitioning from a focus on money, drugs, and coldness to preaching love, self-improvement, and spirituality.
Generational Perspectives: According to a study published by “statista” in November 2019, making money is a top priority for 70 percent of Generation Z, while fame holds similar importance for 60 percent of Millennials. The younger the generation, the greater their interest in fame. Ambition itself is generally viewed positively, as long as priorities are set correctly.

The Dark Side of Ambition: However, the current media landscape, including social media, has inadvertently contributed to a dysfunctional side effect. The proliferation of motivational profiles and self-proclaimed life coaches on platforms like Instagram has blurred the line between real and fake. Amidst the ambitious individuals sharing their journeys, there is an alarming number of covert narcissists seeking validation and self-importance, often hiding behind a facade of motivation.
Understanding Covert Narcissism: Covert narcissism is a term that describes individuals who constantly seek reassurance about their talents, skills, and accomplishments. They exhibit behaviors such as exaggeration, exploitation of others, and a lack of empathy. These individuals may manipulate through subtler tactics, causing others to question themselves and their perceptions.
Recognizing the Signs: It’s important to note that not every person with certain tendencies is out to harm others. However, it is essential to be aware of potential signs that indicate you may be dealing with a covert narcissist. These signs include a sense of self-importance, craving admiration, exploiting others, and lacking empathy.
Navigating Ambitious Relationships: It can be challenging to leave a situation involving emotional abuse, especially when ambition is at play. However, prioritizing your well-being and establishing boundaries is crucial. Codependency and mistreatment should never be accepted, as true ambition should not come at the expense of others.
Choosing Authenticity: In the pursuit of personal goals, it’s important to maintain authenticity and avoid being swayed by online marketing trends. Ambitious individuals should support each other, respect boundaries, and value genuine connections. Success and money may provide comfort, but they can’t replace the warmth of heartfelt truths.
Seeking Help: If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, it is essential to seek help. Numerous resources, such as telephone pastoral care and organizations like Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe, provide support and information.
While authenticity remains vital for success, we must be cautious of the potential rise in covert narcissism fueled by the current climate of ambition. By recognizing the signs, setting boundaries, and prioritizing genuine connections, we can navigate this landscape with a sense of self-worth and authenticity.