COVID-19 has made these past few months difficult for all of us. Not being able to see or hug our friends, being stuck at home all day, feeling like you need to be productive, and when you’re not, feeling like you have somehow failed. This is a historic, once in a lifetime period where the world has come to a standstill. and we all need to adapt to these new circumstances. We for one, have not been able to create the same level of content as before. Usually, we would tell stories through beautiful photographs that move us but since this isn’t possible at the moment we had to think of other ways to spread the same message. To continue to tell stories visually, we asked a diverse group of artists within our TITLE community to put what we all have been thinking to paper, and make art out of our current situation.
Senem Senosh (@senooosch)is an artist that likes to experiment with drawing faces, often utilising linework and watercolors, giving his art a soft and elusive feeling to his illustrations. This Sunday she has shared a slice of her talent with us by making a sketch that perfectly depicts many people’s reality during these last few months (illustration down below). While many of her illustrations are also sketches of fashion designs that she comes up with herself, this one is a little bit different as it showcases our relationship with nature. For this interview we’ve had the privilege of asking her a few questions regarding her art, her motivation and how sadness often sparks her creativity.
1. Please introduce yourself briefly and let us know what you usually work on.
Hi hi, my name is Senem. I am a 30 years old fashion designer from South Germany. In my free time I work on contemporary, abstract fashion drawings and portraits.
2. Has the epidemic influence you positively or negatively?
I do more enjoy the little things in life. Like working at home on my balcony or just taking a walk without having an aim. Everything is slowing down and I am kinda enjoying it.
3. What is your usual creative process, while working on a project ?
It really depends on my mood. There is no specific guideline of HOW TO START A PROJECT RIGHT. Sometimes there needs tons of research to finally be able to start doodling and sometimes I feel so inspired that I can immediately start with the actual drawing. This can happen everywhere!
4. Could you explain how you handled the Alternative reality project and what went through your mind that lead you to your final piece?
While watching the news, I was so fascinated by the fast environmental improvement during the lockdown, that I wanted to highlight the dysfunctional relationship we have with nature and wildlife. Seems like mother nature pressed the RESET button so we can start reflecting our impact and behaviour on the Flora and Fauna.
5. What is the difference for you of the reality and alternatives ?
Alternate reality is not just a fiction. It includes different options of how we can optimize or highlight our reality.
6. Are you a realistic person and good at self reflection ?
Still need to finish this book “BURN AFTER WRITING”, which my friends gave to me for my birthday. It’s full of random questions and creates a better self awareness in a funny and playful way. Apart from that, self reflection is getting a bigger part in my life from moment to moment.
7. What inspires you the most, especially during hard times like these? Any Artists you look up to?
MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC. Music inspires me most especially when its as melancholic as the titles of artist Sevdaliza. I admire her way of expressing her feelings. Somehow the cliche “feeling sad makes you more creative” applies here :).
8. What is the first thing you will do after the quarantine?
Just want to sit outside of a restaurant and enjoy a delicious PHO. 🙂
9. Is there any advice you could give to people during a hard and confusing time to keep being motivated?
Never lose contact to your beloved ones! They know how to built you up and give you some extra energy.
10. Is there anything you would like to add on your piece for this project, that you think people might not understand?
In this piece, I really hope that people don’t think nature is our enemy, taking over our habitat/ personal space. It supposed to show a balanced coexisting which we still to learn.