From Stylist to Hat Designer: How Ruslan Baginskiy Found His Unique Creative Voice

Credit Note: All images are owned by Ruslan Baginskiy.

Balancing Tradition and Innovation: An Interview with Hat Designer Ruslan Baginskiy

You started out as a stylist before transitioning to designing. What drew you

specifically to hats as opposed to other accessories?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „I think hats were an interest because my mom and grandma used to wear them and I was always kind of drawn. When I was working as a stylist, I always wanted to incorporate hats into the looks, but I could never find anything I really liked. So, I decided to make my own. At first I just started learning by literally watching Youtube videos and reading articles online. Over time, I dove deeper into books and worked with workshops to build my skills. And now it’s really special because I’m the one teaching and guiding a whole team that handcrafts RB hats at our local production in Ukraine. What started as a personal experiment has grown into something much bigger.“

What excites you most about designing headwear?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „The most exciting part for me is creating something completely new. It’s the most challenging aspect of my work, but it’s also the most fulfilling. For example the recent release of the ‘HatBag’—a hat that transforms into a bag, had a really inspiring response from the RB community and my friends in the industry. Moments like that inspire me to keep pushing the boundaries of what headwear can be.“

Your range of hats is nearly limitless, from modern berets to the iconic

Formation hat for Beyoncé’s latest world tour. How do you see the role of

accessories, particularly hats, evolving in the fashion world?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „Thank you! I think hats are for everyone and since we are all different – the hats are different also. To me it feels like headwear in general is no longer a requirement or an eccentric touch — it’s a statement. And since fashion now seems to be embracing personal expression, I think hats are becoming a big part of that story.“

„Culture is indeed a huge part of identity, and with our identity under attack, I’ve been recontextualizing Ukrainian heritage“

At Title Mag, we see culture as a vital part of everyone’s identity. How does

your Ukrainian heritage influence your designs and overall creative process?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „My Ukrainian heritage influences my work in every possible way. Living in Ukraine, especially during such a challenging time, deeply affects what I create and how I create it, both emotionally but also technically due to the different challenges we face now. Before, I was more focused on looking outward, drawing inspiration from the world around me. But since the invasion of Ukraine, I’ve found myself looking inward, asking what aspects of Ukrainian culture have shaped me and what I want to share about it with the world. Culture is indeed a huge part of identity, and with our identity under attack, I’ve been recontextualizing Ukrainian heritage—using old techniques to create modern shapes, exploring weaving, embroidery, and even glass-blowing to craft our first-ever RB candle.“

Fashion trends change faster than ever in today’s fast-paced world. How do

you cope with this as a designer? Do you feel pressured to align with these

trends, or does it restrict your creativity?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „I would say there is always pressure to stay relevant. I try to be guided by challenging myself with ideas. Trends can be inspiring or open up directions of work but for me it’s all about staying true to a vision that’s much more long-term. Coming back to what the brand and I are about.“

How do you balance creativity and commercial appeal in your designs?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „Balancing creativity and commercial aspects is one of the hardest things in being a designer, and it’s something I think about every day. In the end what I keep coming back to is, it’s similar to life — there are routine things you need to do or wear, but you also need to make space for inspiration and creativity, for letting yourself be crazy. That’s probably the way I remind myself of that balance, its proportions and stay tuned into it.“

You have done headwear, jewelry, bags, and even candles. What’s the next big

project for Ruslan Baginskiy?

Ruslan Baginskiy: „Always the hardest question! I’d love to focus on events. Crafting real-life, offline moments and interaction is really important to me in all the different ways it can be done.