REZA HAIR stands for nice hair and quality artist. Teresa Hofmeister, trained hairdresser and make-up artist, was tired of the shades and techniques people around her were doing. So she came up with her own brand one year ago. Teresa’s instagram name Reza Hair became nickname and name of the hair extensions and wigs brand. With which, the young workaholic got the chance to bring her hairy visions to life.
TITLE talked with her about her special interest in creating wigs to help sick people and why she desperately wants Britney Spears in her salon.

How did you discover your passion for hair and beauty?
I met a girl at the age of 13 whose dream was to become a hair & make-up artist. I really wanted to be friends with her. So I lied to impress her and told her I wanted to do the same thing. – It was an absolute lie. But in the end I’m very thankful that this is really what I love to do.
Recently, you have also expanded Reza hair into making wigs, can you explain why you decided to move the brand into that direction?
One of my best friends sister was diagnosed with cancer. She was really unhappy with the hospital wigs, so I started to recreate her own look. She loved them, and I felt I was pretty good, so I started to put more focus on wigs.
There used to be a lot of stigma around wearing wigs and it was something that people even try to hide out of shame, but in recent years there has been a big cultural change that’s turned wigs into an empowering accessory and something of status, what do you think of this cultural shift?
I’m very proud of it, because I remember a few years ago when I worked in Frankfurt in a salon people felt ashamed when we showed them a wig to put on. Today everyone wants to try the look.

Kylie Jenner claims to have started the wig trend, what do you think of that?
To me Kylie Jenner wasn’t the FIRST one, she was just more open minded about it, her great following liked it and so it started to trend.
What type of wigs do you enjoy creating the most?
I love to create very natural looks where you don’t really see that it’s a wig. It brings me the biggest joy to create wigs for medical reasons. – When I see how beautiful wearers feel and how much they needed support like this.
What is the most important thing to take into consideration when doing the hair and makeup for somebody?
To make sure nobody is allergic to products and glue and to work in a very clean way. In the end it’s all about trust.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever done hair?
It was at a men’s toilet that turned into a backstage area at a runway show – imagine 60 people in a tiny ass dark room smelling like sh*t!
I’ve heard that when you wear a wig it can change your personality and behavior that day, is that true?
It’s almost the same when you change your personality through an outfit – pretty dope to see!
Who and what inspires you most in pop culture and in the hair and beauty industry?
I love to see how popstars like Beyoncè, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna… changing hairstyles like underwear. It also inspires me a lot to see how their hair stylists are working.
This is kind of a sneaky question but is there anyone who really needs a hair makeover? Who would that person be?
It is definitely Britney Spears. Please send her over.

What is the craziest request for hair or wigs you’ve ever had?
A guy who wanted to wear hair to his knees.
What are the biggest myths about hair that just aren’t true?
People think drugstore products are not making a difference. To be honest, you’ll see it when you color or bleach the hair – and its bad.
What do you think are the next steps for Reza hair?
We will launch an online shop for our wigs and extensions very soon. My future goal is to help more and more young people that really need one for medical reasons.

Photo: Jen Krause
Styling: Nessie
hmu: Reza Hair