

To bimbo or not to bimbo? An analysis of TikTok’s newest feminist figure

The time of the girl boss is dead and the era of the bimbo has arrived. But is she really the queer, abolitionist, anti-capitalist figure we need her to be? While the bimbo offers a refreshing change from the lean-in, profit hungry, Kim Ks of the world, this figure’s political status may be more ambivalent than its proponents profess. Are we pro-bimbo? Yes, no, and maybe. Find the full read in bio or head to our homepage.

Sophie Valcour

Jacob Holdt’s American Pictures: A Powerful Narrative of Injustice and Hope

Jacob Holdt's American Pictures, a raw and powerful documentary photography series depicting the American underclass. Through his lens, Holdt captures the realities of social injustice, racial oppression, and poverty in the United States. This visual testimony exposes the raw truth of marginalized communities, fostering empathy and human connection. Explore Holdt's impactful portfolio, delve into his visual narrative, and witness the struggle, hope, and resilience of those often overlooked. From his work with charitable causes to his latest release, The Roots of Oppression, Holdt's photographs speak volumes about the urgent need for change.

Caiza Andresen