
The Global Passport is the sixth edition of our biannual zine.

This issue dives into the idea of borderless identity, and it invites creatives and projects of different geopolitical backgrounds to offer new perspectives on contemporary issues.

This season, TITLE(D) presents a passport-like format.

What does your ID page look like?

Featuring: BiQo, J.Kim and more

Warning: not for travel usage

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TITLE(D) is our biannual print newsletter, delivered to our subscribers out of cost.

With every issue, artists, creators, and writers explore a new theme, unveiled through the pages of a corresponding format and design.

Limited edition.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the following issues!

Since the number of copies depends on the printing costs, we cannot guarantee that all our subscribers will receive every issue. In this case, we allocate the delivery of the zine via a raffle.

Additional information

Weight 0,4 kg
Dimensions 12,5 × 8,8 × 2 cm